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Utilize the CSOM Career Center Resources to refine your resume, cover letter, and learn how to prepare for an interview ! 

Job and internship preparation resources 

Get Certified and build your skills! 

Use Hubspot to get certified on the latest marketing skills! This is a great way to build your resume as well as your knowledge of marketing!

Most of the certifications are FREE!

These are some of our favorite Podcasts: 


Planet Money 

Robinhood Snacks 

Life Kit 

The Daily 

Short Wave 


Internship and Full Time Job Spreadsheet

If you're applying for internships, then look at these that are available right now to see if they interest you.

Cover Letter Guide 

If you are unsure how to create a cover letter, read this guide to make your cover letter impactful and learn about specific do's and do not's when it comes to cover letters!

Resume Guide 

Here is some powerful advice to make your resume as powerful as possible when applying to careers/internships. Always ensure to tailor your resume to the job description!

Full Time Career Coaching Staff

Need advice about an upcoming interview, or someone to read over your cover letter before you submit it to an application? Make a meeting with one of our UMN career coaches!

Communicating with Professionals 

Want to know how to communicate with professionals after an interaction? This document has all the answers! 

Resource List to Discover Careers 

If you don't know where to find careers, this link contains resources to begin searching!

8 Ways to Stand Out at a Career Fair

Interested in learning about how to stand out during a career fair? This article teaches you how to be prepared and distinguish yourself from the crowd.

Marketing Career Info

Helpful links for Marketing majors from Carlson Undergraduate Business Career Center. This doc includes information on various career paths, job search resources, and recruitment tips.

Practicing Warmth and Competence Worksheet

Exercises to deliver an authentic elevator pitch.

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